Our Own Meaning

Authentic Tone
2 min readJun 3, 2021

Our own meaning will suffice.

Given our particular estates, along with consciousness, each human appears as an ecosystem unto itself. This certainly doesn’t discount the fact that each individual ecosystem remains interconnected with each other — and the larger world around it.

On this island of our own, any authentic instruction or guidance can only arise from within.

Our internal atmosphere differs from all those around, even distinct from that of parents and family members.

Finding, or creating such unique meaning within ourselves will mean Total Self Reliance. More so the higher Self. The Self that no longer looks outward, gauging the crowd to see trends of what is acceptable or what is not. It is the part of us that remains connected to the universe. This Self is comfortable being on its own but enjoys company, not knowing all the answers but still trusting, bringing forth its own opinions but not overly attached to them, expressing emotions that are vulnerable but not overwhelmed by any.

Through periods of doubt and uncertainty, we lose sense of this Self and its voice. Of course! Doubt and uncertainty means we are deeply in consideration of a “missing external factor” or caught within the noisey distortions of external opinions.



Authentic Tone

Wishing to inspire another’s story by sharing my own ~ Romaine Powell