Story Making Machines

Authentic Tone
May 19, 2021


We broadcast so many stories in our own heads, that at night, during what’s supposed to be a “resting period”, we cunningly continue the story running process by way of dreaming.

Stories are what we do. It is how we formulate our thoughts, interpret the world, and in turn communicate those thoughts to others.

Within seconds of seeing an object or meeting a new person, we are able to draft up an almost accurate description of what we saw.

What did we see? Did we see all that we needed to see? Did we even look long enough?

It is at this point we have to come to terms with our limits as the story making machines we are.

For stories that we generate without accurate information processing, are bound to create a blindspot in our interpretation of reality.



Authentic Tone

Wishing to inspire another’s story by sharing my own ~ Romaine Powell