There Is Power In Patience
The pressures from outside forces are real. Or at least, the energy they carry has a certain pull to it.
At times we might be tempted to fall into the trap of tending to these forces and energies, either by fighting or negotiating with them.
However, these forces or energies are not necessarily substantial. They do not carry anything of substance within them.
They can almost be related to mosquitoes. At first they carry a sting, but it is our very own life energy that supports them in the first place.
By getting caught in the entanglement of the sting and what horrible pain or annoyance it brings, we lose our ground and become unsteady.
Patience through the annoyance is then the key. Patience helps us to keep focused and preserves our energies for what is important. Which is our journey ahead.
The outside forces quickly lose their sting when we remain grounded and Patient within. Maintaining our natural power, energy and composure.